1-2-3-Design, responsive und fluessige Webseiten Theme


World wide web terminology


  • CSS
    Cascading Style Sheets - is a language used to describe the the look and formatting of an HTML document
  • Directory
    is a level beneath the root level of a website, e.g. yourdomain.com/directory
  • DNS
    Domain Name Server - is an Internet system to translate names (domain names) into IP addresses
  • Domain Name
    is the name of a website in the Internet, e.g. YourName.com
  • FTP
    File Transfer Protocol - for the transfer of files between computers, or computer and web server
  • Hosting Service
    is a service that runs Internet serves, which host the spaces for the domain names
  • HTML
    Hyper-Text Markup Language - the traditional Internet website document format
  • HTTP The abbreviation for
    Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol - is how browsers transfer hypertext documents from the server to the computer monitor
  • Hypertext
    is a text with an overlayed link to another page
  • IP Address
    Internet Protocol Address - is a numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes.
  • Registrar or Domain Name Registrar
    is the official keeper of the domain name records, accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) or by a national country code top-level domain (ccTLD) authority
  • Server
    is a computer system that hosts and delivers information for client computers, e.g. a website is hosted on a server which delivers that website to millions of individual computers through the Internet
  • SSL
    Secure Sockets Layer, is a protocol in encrypted form for network communications like the Internet or VoIP (voice-over-IP). All personal data and sensitive information should be sent via encrypted web pages starting with https instead of http.
  • Subdomain
    is a domain that is part of a larger domain, e.g. subdomain.domain.com where domain.com is the main domain with the subdomain, divided by a dot
  • TLS
    Transport Layer Security is the follower of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • URL
    Uniform Resource Locator - the address system used in the World Wide Web
  • Web Browser
    is the software that allows a user to access and view HTML documents
  • Web Page
    is a single HTML document within a website
  • Web Site
    (or website) is the entire collection of web pages under one domain name
    What You See Is What You Get - used for graphical editors where you can see immediately the effects of the changes done
  • WWW
    World Wide Web