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What is a Web Browser?

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A Web browser is a software application for accessing and presenting the content of the World Wide Web.

The Navigation Toolbar or Address Bar is an input-field at the top of each browser to hold the URL (web address), which can be an IP number or a domain name.

Most URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) start with http:// which identifies a resource to be retrieved over the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Web pages with encryption for security will use the format https:// where the additional "s" stands for secure.

All browsers can display images, audio, video, and XML files, and have plug-ins to support Flash animations and Java scripts. When the browser hits a website with an unsupported type of media it will prompt the user to save the required file to disk and to install it.


WorldWideWeb was the world's first web browser and WYSIWYG HTML editor.
It was introduced on February 26, 1991, by the British scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and ran on the NeXTSTEP platform. WorldWideWeb (WWW) was the first program which used not only the common File Transfer Protocol (FTP) but also the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), invented by Berners-Lee in 1989.

At the time it was written, WorldWideWeb was the only way to view the Web.


Today there are many free browsers to choose from, the most important ones are: